Insan Dost Social organization [IDSO PAK] is non-profit organization, established ®istered in 2011 under voluntary social welfare agencies (registration and control) ordinance 1961, located at District Khairpur Mirs Sindh, Pakistan. It is working for empowerment of rural communities through initiating community oriented project including public health, education, community infrastructure, women empowerment in rural districts of Sindh.
[IDSO PAK] has been working in the areas of Community mobilizations, Quality Education and literacy,Primary Health Education and infrastructure ,Water, sanitation and Hygiene (WASH), Women Empowerment, Democracy and Governance, Human right Education , Youth Development Program, Advocacy and Research , Disaster Management and Emergency Response and Environmental Justice and Climate Change in rural Districts of Sindh.
Insan Dost Social Organization (IDSO) Voluntary & Social Welfare Agencies (Registration & Control) Ordinance 1961
Registration no: CDDKHP 347